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Collars, scarf and shawls

Aase Nielssons mønstre er trykt på karton og belagt med film, så der evt. kan stives efter færdig knipling.
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AN 0006 Collar

AN 0006 Collar

Recommended threads: Linen 60/2 or K80
4,00 EUR
AN 0041 Girl Ties

AN 0041 Girl Ties

Recommended thread: K80
10 cm wide at its broadest point
4,00 EUR

AN 0081 lobe

AN 0081 lobe

Recommended thread: linen 60/2
The loop is 150 cm long and 11 cm wide
4,66 EUR

AN 0106 Shawl

AN 0106 Shawl

Shawl, tablecloth or bedspread can bobbin in this fashion.
Bobbin in lanes 26 pairs
Linen 16/2 or crochet 10, Tussah silk
5,34 EUR

AN 0160 Collar "Christian IV"

AN 0160 Collar "Christian IV"

Recommended thread: 50/2
21 pairs
4,66 EUR

AN 0161 Collar "Imperial Crown"

AN 0161 Collar "Imperial Crown"

Recommended thread: linen 60/2 or K80
37 pairs
4,66 EUR

AN 0162 Collar "All my heart"

AN 0162 Collar "All my heart"

Recommended thread: linen 80/2
27 pairs
4,66 EUR

AN 0163 Collar "Christian IV"

AN 0163 Collar "Christian IV"

Recommended thread: linen 60/3 or 40/2
20 pairs
4,66 EUR

AN 0202 down collar

AN 0202 down collar

Recommended thread: linen 80/2
10 pairs
6,66 EUR

AN 0203 Collar snipper

AN 0203 Collar snipper

Recommended thread: linen 80/2 + pearl cotton no. 8
16 pairs of
5,34 EUR

AN 0238 down collar

AN 0238 down collar

Recommended thread: linen 80/2
48 pairs
approx. 10 cm at its widest point
6,66 EUR

AN 0290 Shawl Collar Christian IV.

AN 0290 Shawl Collar Christian IV.

Recommended thread: linen 28/2 - 35/2
16 pairs
64 cm inside and 7 cm. at the widest
6,66 EUR

AN 0312 Ribbon lace shawl collar

AN 0312 Ribbon lace shawl collar

Recommended thread: linen 28/2 -35 / 2 + pearl cotton
16 pairs
approx. 68 cm in inner edge and 17.5 cm. in the neck
6,66 EUR

AN 0358 Ribbon lace lapels

AN 0358 Ribbon lace lapels

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
14 pairs
Inner 76 cm. x 9 cm.
6,66 EUR

AN 0361 Collar

AN 0361 Collar

Recommended thread: linen 60/2
47 pairs
inner 40 cm x 12.5 cm.
5,34 EUR

AN 0385 Plover effort

AN 0385 Plover effort

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
7 pairs
Approx. 55 cm
4,66 EUR

AN 0402 Scarf

AN 0402 Scarf

Recommended thread: linen 16/2 or crochet No. 10
40 pairs
approx. 18 cm.
4,66 EUR

AN 0427 Children collar

AN 0427 Children collar

Thread linen 120/2 or Egyptian cotton 70/2
approx. 32 cm inner collar and 3 cm wide.
4,66 EUR

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