Hedens Hørgarn is a shop, there is selling to private and engros, who is selling all materials to Bobbin lace, tatting and m.m.
Hedens Hørgarn is a nice linen thread. We produce the thread.
It is avaolable in 6 different thicknesses.
All the thicknesses are in many pretty colours.
We have took over Aase Nilsssons patterns.
In January 2013 we took over Moriavia's products, yarns, glasses and books.
The shop is only open by appointment.

Hedens Hørgarn Seen form Svoldrupvej
Smedevej 14, Vognsild
9600 Aars
CVR; 34662657
We are a little family, there are living outside of Gedsted.
Kristian is a caretaker in Aalestrup and environs. He has in the spare time a little company with sales of day-olds turkeys.
Birgitte is educated machinist (Herning) and handicrafts teacher (Skals). She teaches at an evening school in Bobbin lace, tattung, neddlewoek, knot, crocheting, weving and patchwork.
Mia goes in the first year of college at Viborg Katedralskole. She goes to swiming and instructs in swimming, and she helps in the shop.
Dan goes in 5th class. He goes to swiming.