Materials to finer Bobbin Lace and tatting.
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Adda shawl

Adda shawl

Recommended thread: EasyCare
74 pairs in 2 colors
The model is bobbin 4 balls. color 23 + 2 balls. color 03
8,00 EUR

Adda shawl

Adda shawl

Recommended thread: EasyCare
74 pairs in 2 colors
The model is bobbin 4 balls. color 23 + 2 balls. color 03
6,66 EUR

Bente shawl

Bente shawl

Recommended thread: Cotton 8 78 pairs in 2 colors The model is in the bobbin with the balls 5. color marine + 2 balls. color 511 "
8,00 EUR

Dodo Stola

Dodo Stola

5,34 EUR

Gaby shawl

Gaby shawl

Bobbin for 72 pairs in 2 lanes.
For model is used Easy care 4 balls. fv. 7 + 1 ball. Color 6 + 34
8,00 EUR

Inga shawl

Inga shawl

Recommended thread: Merino wool
71 pairs in 2 colors.
The model is bobbin with 1 ball. in color 481 + 1 ball. 473
5,34 EUR

Judi Stola

Judi Stola

Recommended thread: Hedens Hørgarn linen 28/2
8 pairs. stripe.
For the model used 19 colors Hedens Hørgarn linen 28/2
5,34 EUR

Judi Stola

Judi Stola

Recommended thread: Hedens Hørgarn linen 28/2
8 pairs. stripe.
For the model used 19 colors Hedens Hørgarn linen 28/2
6,66 EUR

Judi wrap kit

Judi wrap kit

Kit contains
19 colors Hedens Hørgarn linen 28/2 + pattern
Approx. 50 x 170 cm
52,66 EUR

Judi wrap kit

Judi wrap kit

Kit contains
19 colors Hedens Hørgarn linen 28/2 + pattern
Approx. 50 x 170 cm
52,66 EUR

Karna shawl

Karna shawl

Recommended thread: Mayflower Socks and Jumper Yarn
74 pairs in 1 multi print + 2 single-color.
The model is bobbin with 2 balls. color 42 + 1 ball. 729 + 1 ball. 770
9,34 EUR

Mona west

Mona west

10,66 EUR
Quinnie poncho

Quinnie poncho

Recommended thread: yarn to knitting needle 3 (Easy Care)
51 pairs. part. (4 parts)
5,34 EUR

Ronja stola

Ronja stola

Recommended thread: wool, here we have used a purple base color and a lot of debris. Can easily be made in 2 colors.
Bobbin for 3 courses, with 36 per couple. path.
5,34 EUR

Salka stola

Salka stola

Recommended thread: Baby Soft
71 pairs in 2 colors
model bobbin with 3 balls. color 08 + 2 balls. 15
6,66 EUR

Samia shawl

Samia shawl

Wool in various colors in a thickness corresponding to a knitting needle 3 - a good way to use all debris
in the knitting basket.
Bobbin with 132 pairs. -Do not worry, all couples are only in use forone row.
5,34 EUR



The model is bobbin in Cotton 8 in 2 parts.
3 + 2 balls of yarn
74 pairs
6,66 EUR

Sille shawl

Sille shawl

Bobbin for 2 rows with 51 pairs
The model is bobbin in Cotton 8 5 balls of color 515 + 1 ball. Cotton 8 merc 753
6,66 EUR

Sonja shawl

Sonja shawl

Bobbin in row with 20-24 pairs
The model is bobbin of Merino wool 2 balls 450 + 1 ball 472
6,66 EUR

Toril shawl

Toril shawl

Recommended thread: Online crochet yarn No. 20 and Cotton 8
26 pairs. track
For the model used 3 balls. in color 03 + 1 ball. 534 + 550
6,66 EUR

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