Materials to finer Bobbin Lace and tatting.
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AN 0255 Cafe curtain

AN 0255 Cafe curtain

Recommended thread: linen 28/2 - 35/2
Large 102 pains approx. 34 cm.
small approx. 25 cm
8,66 EUR
AN 0287 ribbon lace altar cloth

AN 0287 ribbon lace altar cloth

14 pairs
Small bobbin in linen 28/2 - 35/2 approx. 12 cm
Large bobbin in 35/3 approx. 16 cm.
14,66 EUR
AN 0582 Cafe curtain

AN 0582 Cafe curtain

Recommended thread: 28/2 - 35/2
approx. 29 cm. 96 pairs (small)
approx. 38 cm. 128 pairs (large)
8,66 EUR
AN 0776 Cafe curtain

AN 0776 Cafe curtain

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
31 pairs
approx. 6.5 cm.
4,66 EUR

AN 0780 Decorative Towel

AN 0780 Decorative Towel

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
The edge 31 pains
Flower 5 pairs
6,00 EUR

AN 1011 Christmas Curtain with stars

AN 1011 Christmas Curtain with stars

Recommended thread: linen 28/2 - 35/2 + pearl cotton no. 8
96 pairs
approx. 30 cm.
10,00 EUR

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