Materials to finer Bobbin Lace and tatting.
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Recommended thread: Easy Care
58 pairs. track
The model is bobbin in 5 balls. color 13 in size 44

size 38 Length approx. 60 cm, chest size about. 108 cm.
size 44 Length approx. 60 cm, chest size about. 115 cm.
size 48 Length approx. 60 cm, chest size about. 123 cm.
size 52 Length approx. 60 cm, chest size about. 133 cm.
Price for 1pcs 10,66 EUR

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Recommended thread: Easy Care
58 pairs. track
The model is bobbin in 5 balls. color 13 in size 44

size 38 Length approx. 60 cm, chest size about. 108 cm.
size 44 Length approx. 60 cm, chest size about. 115 cm.
size 48 Length approx. 60 cm, chest size about. 123 cm.
size 52 Length approx. 60 cm, chest size about. 133 cm.