Materials to finer Bobbin Lace and tatting.
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Aase Nilsson 300 - 399

Aase Nielssons mønstre er trykt på karton og belagt med film, så der evt. kan stives efter færdig knipling.
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AN 0319 Flower with netbund

AN 0319 Flower with netbund

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
4,00 EUR

AN 0320 Wide lace

AN 0320 Wide lace

Recommended thread: linen 28/2 - 35/2 + pearl cotton no. 5
34 ½ couple
approx. 10 cm.
4,66 EUR

AN 0321 Broad between work

AN 0321 Broad between work

Recommended thread: linen 28/2 - 35/2 + pearl cotton no. 5
31 pairs
approx. 9 cm.
4,66 EUR

AN 0322 Numbers

AN 0322 Numbers

Small Threads DMC 50 approx. 2.3 cm
Large Thread K80 or linen 60/2 approx. 4.5 cm
3,34 EUR
AN 0322 Numbers

AN 0322 Numbers

Small Threads DMC 50 approx. 2.3 cm
Large Thread K80 or linen 60/2 approx. 4.5 cm
3,34 EUR
AN 0323 Lily of the Valley

AN 0323 Lily of the Valley

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
5,34 EUR

AN 0324 Pattern to drop

AN 0324 Pattern to drop

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
11 cm.
2,66 EUR

AN 0325 Pattern to drop

AN 0325 Pattern to drop

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
11 cm
2,66 EUR

AN 0326 Basket

AN 0326 Basket

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
3,34 EUR

AN 0327 Basket

AN 0327 Basket

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
3,34 EUR

AN 0328 Folder for handkerchiefs

AN 0328 Folder for handkerchiefs

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
approx. 15 x 30 cm.
4,00 EUR

AN 0329 folder for handkerchiefs

AN 0329 folder for handkerchiefs

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
approx. 15 x 30 cm.
4,00 EUR

AN 0330 Handkerchief

AN 0330 Handkerchief

Recommended thread: K80 or linen 60/2
22 pairs
3,34 EUR

AN 0331 Handkerchief

AN 0331 Handkerchief

Recommended thread: linen 80/2 - 100/2
25 pairs of
3,34 EUR

AN 0332 Handkerchief

AN 0332 Handkerchief

Recommended thread: K80 or linen 60/2
12 pairs
3,34 EUR

AN 0333 Flacon with waves

AN 0333 Flacon with waves

Recommended thread: linen 28/2 - 35/2 + pearl cotton no. 8
approx. 18 cm.
3,34 EUR

AN 0334 Round tablecloth with waves 40 cm.

AN 0334 Round tablecloth with waves 40 cm.

Recommended thread: Linen 35/2 or 28/2 + pearl cotton # 8
The model is bobbin in DMC 813 + white pearl yarn
6,66 EUR

AN 0335 Small butterfly

AN 0335 Small butterfly

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
approx. 6 x 5cm.
2,66 EUR

AN 0336 Small butterfly

AN 0336 Small butterfly

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
approx. 5 x 6 cm.
2,66 EUR

AN 0337 Large butterfly

AN 0337 Large butterfly

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
approx. 15 x 10 cm.
2,66 EUR

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