Materials to finer Bobbin Lace and tatting.
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Aase Nilsson 700 - 799

Aase Nielssons mønstre er trykt på karton og belagt med film, så der evt. kan stives efter færdig knipling.
Klik på billede/tekst for mere info.
AN 0740 Party Remse "Imperial Crown"

AN 0740 Party Remse "Imperial Crown"

Recommended thread: Linen 28/2
approx. 19 cm.
62 pains
6,00 EUR

AN 0741 Boardwalk

AN 0741 Boardwalk

Thread K80
Suitable for A4 frame
5,34 EUR

AN 0742 Cornucopia

AN 0742 Cornucopia

3,34 EUR

AN 0743 -744 Tulip and Hyacinth

AN 0743 -744 Tulip and Hyacinth

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
AN 743 Tulipan
AN 744 Hyacinth with onions
3,34 EUR
AN 0745 - 747 Drops

AN 0745 - 747 Drops

Thread K80 or linen 60/2 + metal drop
AN 745 Drop with twisted ribbon
AN 746 Drop with bow
AN 747 Drop with twists
3,34 EUR

AN 0748 ribbon bobbin dåbskyse

Recommended thread: linen 60/2
4,66 EUR

AN 0749 ribbon lace christening shoes

Recommended thread: linen 60/2
4,66 EUR

AN 0750 ribbon bobbin baby collar

AN 0750 ribbon bobbin baby collar

Recommended thread: linen 60/2
approx. 3.5 cm.
4,66 EUR

AN 0751 ribbon bobbin between work

AN 0751 ribbon bobbin between work

Recommended thread: linen 80/2
approx. 4 cm.
4,66 EUR

AN 0752 Ribbon for baptism

AN 0752 Ribbon for baptism

Recommended thread: linen 80/2
approx. 2 cm.
4,00 EUR

AN 0753 ribbon bobbin edge

AN 0753 ribbon bobbin edge

Recommended thread: linen 80/2
approx. 4 cm.
4,66 EUR

AN 0754 Vadstena rose Flacon

AN 0754 Vadstena rose Flacon

Thread Madeira No 40 Rayon + pearl cotton no. 8

3,34 EUR

AN 0755 Vadstena Rose big flacon

AN 0755 Vadstena Rose big flacon

Thread Madeira No 40 Rayon
38 pains
4,66 EUR

AN 0756 Decorative Tape

AN 0756 Decorative Tape

Thread K80 or linen 60/2 + pearl cotton no. 8
10 pairs
approx. 2.5 cm.
4,00 EUR

AN 0757 Place cards with hjeter

AN 0757 Place cards with hjeter

Thread K80 or linen 60/2 + pearl cotton no. 8

14 pairs
2,66 EUR

AN 0758 Dagmar lace flacon

AN 0758 Dagmar lace flacon

Thread linen 60/2
26 pairs
approx. 17 cm.
3,34 EUR

AN 0759 Dagmar blonde ø 41 cm.

AN 0759 Dagmar blonde ø 41 cm.

Recommended thread: 3 rows linen 60/2
26 + 21 + 21 pairs
8,66 EUR

AN 0760 Pearl Handkerchief

AN 0760 Pearl Handkerchief

It is easy work.
Thread Madeira No 40 Rayon + DMC 25
18 ½ pains
approx. 2.5 cm
4,66 EUR

AN 0761 Handkerchief

AN 0761 Handkerchief

Thread Madeira No 40 Rayon + DMC 25
41 pairs
approx. 6.5 cm.
4,66 EUR

AN 0762 Handkerchief

AN 0762 Handkerchief

Thread Madeira No 40 Rayon + DMC 25
22 pairs
approx. 3.5 cm.
4,66 EUR

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