Materials to finer Bobbin Lace and tatting.
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Aase Nielssons mønstre er trykt på karton og belagt med film, så der evt. kan stives efter færdig knipling.
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AN 0878 Golden Oriole

AN 0878 Golden Oriole

Thread k 80
approx. 16 cm.
4,66 EUR

AN 0879 Rose Starling

AN 0879 Rose Starling

Recommended threads: Thread K80
approx. 16 cm.
4,66 EUR

AN 0892 Picture Frame "Romance"

AN 0892 Picture Frame "Romance"

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
Fits frame A4
5,34 EUR

AN 0920 Crested Grebe.

AN 0920 Crested Grebe.

Thread K80 or linen 60/2
5,34 EUR

AN 0926 Leaping Dolphins

AN 0926 Leaping Dolphins

Thread K80 and 3 mm beads
4,66 EUR

AN 0961 In the woods during the winter

AN 0961 In the woods during the winter

Thread K80
40 x 30 cm
8,66 EUR

AN 0994 Goldsmith in the reeds

AN 0994 Goldsmith in the reeds

Thread K80 + lurex
4,66 EUR

AN 0995 butterfly in willow

AN 0995 butterfly in willow

Thread K80
4,66 EUR

AN 1004 Sunrise

AN 1004 Sunrise

Recommended thread: K80 and mouline
4,66 EUR

AN 1009 man

AN 1009 man

Thread K80
The man alone fit A4 frame
The man and the flower girl fit A3 frame
Flower girl AN 0140
Designed by Birgit Poulsen
5,34 EUR

RCV 0167 Suspension "Bratislava"

RCV 0167 Suspension "Bratislava"

Recommended thread: 28/2 or 35/2
56 pairs
Approx. 19 x 26 cm.
4,66 EUR

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